Below is a list of nonprofit organizations who offer grants to pregnancy help centers for ultrasound equipment and training. Please feel free to contact any or all to see if your center qualifies for financial assistance. If you have any difficulties, Innovative Imaging may be able to help.

Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative

The Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative has two funding options available for pregnancy help centers: ultrasound machine funding and ultrasound-equipped mobile unit funding. These grants are available to PHCs in the United States and Canada. Read through their grant requirements and fill out the form available on their website to apply.

Ultrasounds 4 Life, Inc.

Ultrasounds 4 Life provides grants for high-quality, used ultrasound machines for international pregnancy centers. Contact them at today for more information.

Innovative Imaging is committed to providing pregnancy help centers with ultrasound equipment at an affordable rate. Our mission is to equip them to vividly portray life for more abortion-minded women. Contact us today for more information on ultrasound machine pricing.